Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets forth how information about individual visitors to this website is collected, stored and/or processed.

The webpages of 1stToFile IP Law Firm Dr. Thomas Körner (hereinafter as 1stToFile) as available at,, and www. are subject to Swiss data protection law (Federal Act on Data Protection, FADP) and any applicable foreign data protection law, in particular that of the European Union (EU) with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

By visiting this webpages, you agree that information will be collected, stored and used pursuant to this privacy policy. You acknowledge that we may adjust this privacy policy at any time as it deems appropriate and may re-publish the policy on this website.

Access to this website is encrypted (SSL [Secure Socket Layer]/TLS [Transport Layer Security]).

1stToFile also uses the free open source software Matomo (formerly Piwik) for statistical evaluation of the use and reach of the website without personal reference.

1. Definition of personal data

Personal data is any information relating to an identified or identifiable person. A data subject is a person about whom personal data is processed. Processing includes any handling of personal data, regardless of the means and procedures used, in particular the storage, disclosure, acquisition, deletion, storage, modification, destruction and use of personal data.

2. Processing of personal data

1stToFile processes personal data in accordance with Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection. Furthermore, FGP processes personal data in accordance with at least one of the following legal bases – insofar as and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation is applicable:

  • 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data for the fulfilment of a contract with the data subject as well as for the implementation of pre-contractual measures.
  • 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to protect the legitimate interests of us or of third parties unless the fundamental freedoms and freedom rights and interests of the data subject prevail. Legitimate interests are, in particular, our interest in being able to provide the offer by FGP permanently, in a user-friendly, secure and reliable manner, as well as to be able to advertise for it as required, information security as well as protection against misuse and unauthorized use, the enforcement of our own legal claims and compliance with Swiss law.
  • 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to comply with a legal obligation to which FGP are subject under any applicable law of Member States in the European Economic Area (EEA).
  • 6 para. 1 lit. e GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data for the performance of a task which is in the public interest.
  • 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR for the processing of personal data with the consent of the data subject.
  • 6 para. 1 lit. d GDPR for the necessary processing of personal data to protect vital interests of the data subject or another natural person.

3. Type, scope and purpose

1stToFile processes the personal data that is necessary to provide the services in a permanent, user-friendly, secure and reliable manner, secure and reliable. Such personal data can categories of personal and contact data, browser and device data, content data, meta data and usage data, location data, sales data, contract data and payment data, contractual and payment data.

1stToFile processes personal data for the duration required for the respective purpose(s) or as required by law. Personal data whose processing is no longer necessary is anonymized or deleted. Persons whose data is processed have the right to have it deleted.

As a matter of principle, FGP only processes personal data with the consent of the data subject, unless the processing is permitted for other legal reasons, for example for the performance of a contract with the data subject and for corresponding pre-contractual measures, in order to protect our overriding legitimate interests, because the processing is evident from the circumstances or after prior information.

In this context, 1stToFile processes in particular information that a data subject voluntarily and himself or herself provides to 1stToFile when contacting 1stToFile – for example by letter, e-mail, contact form or telephone – or when registering for a user account.

1stToFile may store such information, for example, in an address book or with comparable aids. If you transmit personal data to 1stToFile via third parties, you are obliged to guarantee data protection vis-à-vis such third parties and to ensure the accuracy of such personal data.

1stToFile also processes personal data that 1stToFile receives from third parties, obtains from publicly accessible sources or is collected during the provision of the offer, if and to the extent that such processing is permitted for legal reasons.

4. Processing of personal data by third parties, also abroad

1stToFile may have personal data processed by commissioned third parties or process it jointly with third parties or with the help of third parties or transmit it to third parties. Such third parties are in particular providers whose services FGP uses. FGP also guarantees appropriate data protection for such third parties.

Such third parties are generally located in Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA). Such third parties may also be located in other states and territories on earth, provided that their data protection laws guarantee adequate data protection in the opinion of the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) and – if and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable – in the opinion of the European Commission. Commission ensures adequate data protection, or if, for other reasons, such as reasons, such as through an appropriate contractual agreement, in particular on the basis of standard contractual clauses, or through a corresponding certification, adequate data protection is ensured. Exceptionally, such a third party may third party may be located in a country without adequate data protection, provided that the data protection requirements, such as the express consent of the data subject, are met. consent of the data subject.

5. Rights of data subjects

Data subjects whose personal data 1stToFile processes have the rights under Swiss data protection law. These include the right to information as well as the right to correction, deletion or blocking of the personal data processed.

Data subjects whose personal data 1stToFile processes may – if and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable – request confirmation free of charge as to whether 1stToFile is processing their personal data and, if so, request information on the processing of their personal data, have the processing of their personal data restricted, exercise their right to data portability and have their personal data corrected, deleted (“right to be forgotten”), blocked or completed.

Data subjects whose personal data 1stToFile processes may – if and insofar as the GDPR applies – revoke their consent at any time with future effect and object to the processing of their personal data at any time.

Data subjects whose personal data 1stToFile processes have a right of appeal to a competent supervisory authority. The supervisory authority for data protection in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).

6. Data security

1stToFile takes appropriate and suitable technical and organizational measures to ensure data protection and in particular data security. However, despite such measures, the processing of personal data on the internet can always have security gaps. 1stToFile cannot therefore guarantee absolute data security. Access to 1stToFile online offer takes place via transport encryption (SSL / TLS, in particular with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, abbreviated to HTTPS).

Most browsers indicate transport encryption with a padlock in the address bar. Access to our online offer is subject – as is basically all internet use – to mass surveillance without any reason or suspicion, as well as other surveillance by security authorities in Switzerland, the European Union (EU), the United States of America (USA) and other countries. FGP cannot directly influence the corresponding processing of personal data by secret services, police agencies and other security authorities.

7. Third parties' services

1stToFile hosts its webpages at Metanet AG  in Zürich, Switzerland. Metanet creates standard web server log files with the following information for each access to this website: IP address, date and time including time zone, browser request including origin of the request (referer or referrer), operating system used including user interface and version, browser used including language and version, amount of data transferred. The log files are used to detect technical problems as well as to ensure security.

8. Contact us

If you have questions about this privacy policy (Version 1.0 issued on June 1, 2022) or if you have recommendations or comments regarding improvements in the level of data protection by FGP, please contact Dr. Thomas Körner at:

1stToFile IP Law Firm Dr. Thomas Körner

c/o freigutpartners gmbh | Postfach | 6343 Rotkreuz
phone: +41 41 244 44 47 | fax: +41 44 660 60 66 | e-mail: